The magazine "Dangerous Goods and Containers"

Published from May 2001
The magazine "DANGEROUS GOODS & CONTAINERS" is the official printed publication of the International Dangerous Goods and Сontainers Association (IDGCA).
DG&C is the first specialized bilingual (English and Russian) publication devoted to dangerous goods, containers and multimodal transport.
In the magazine you can find the information about developments in the national and international legislation.
DG&C specialists give coverage to the work of committees and subcommittees of the international organizations concerned with legal and technical regulation of dangerous goods and containers transportation.
DG&C experts discuss amendments to the new bills; analyze the existing normative legal documents. The specialists of leading Russian and foreign companies share their experience and knowledge.
- International Maritime Organization (IMO),
- International Organization for Standardization (ISO),
- United Nations Organization (UNO),
- United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD),
- United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE),
- Institute of International Container Lessors (IICL),
- Bureau International des Containers (BIC).
- Professionals of the transport market
- Cargo owners
- Cargo carriers
- Manufactures of the transportation equipment
- Petrochemical industry specialists
- Representatives of lease, legal and insurance companies
- Officials
- Subscription in Russia and abroad
- At international and regional exhibitions, conferences and seminars, in the offices of international and intergovernmental organizations
We invite new authors, representatives of research institutes and members of Russian and foreign companies to discuss topical problems of the sector.
We sincerely hope for our long-term partnership!